Elon caved in

During the pandemic, while the world was busy making the most of the lockdown situation by either being productive or dabbling in a new career venture, I, on the other hand, decided to educate myself on – Strong Woman definition. This led to the creation of an alter ego. Needless to say, it wasn’t well received by the masses and soon, before I knew it, I was banned from every online platform I could verbally exploit.

Fast forward 2 years, and here I am again. Couldn’t help myself. Twitter was taken over by Elon and I felt I stood a chance to REALLY be myself. After offending the Twitter -“ I am morally more sound than you” team, I was finally allowed to re-use my account but not without a formal written warning. This couldn’t have come at a better time. Detox kits are not going to help me flush out the toxins from my mind. Neither is the liquid B12 going to give any added boost to the ever-shrinking brain. Twitter was made for me, we belong together.

I am taking notes from GadSaad. I believe Elon and Gad are good friends. Somehow that man can get away by making fun of “fierce Sally” dressed up like a little tramp with purple hair and a $1 sharpie tattoo and I cannot call a spade a spade. So I decided to call “a spade a Sdape”. Get it? Am playing smart now. Taking notes from the likes of Cardi B. If I can get by 2 days without getting kicked off this platform, I tell ya, I am on a winning streak. The funny thing is for the next 2 days I am extremely busy work-wise, so if this doesn’t keep me from getting booted, I don’t know what will. The problem is that internet access is not that hard to get nowadays.

Who will win?

I dare you to boot me this time.

Challenge accepted however I make no promises + it doesn’t help that I take joy in losing.
-Jas Out

80, Prime Real e”state”

What a special day it was today. Even though the weather network predicted storm and treacherous conditions outside (-12Deg Cel with 50/60 km of winds) which by the way ended up being quite accurate… nothing could stop us from celebrating daddy turning 80. Surprisingly we all got ready quite fast given that mother slept in till 11 am. Carrot, dad and I spent 3 hours discussing important subject matters like finance, real estate and interest rates. Daddy was thrilled as he compared his ripe age to being mortgage free. We ate everything in the kitchen while our feeder was in deep slumber and yet when mum woke up we were looking at her to shove something down our gobs so we don’t end up bringing our bad manners over to Kubs. Then again who are we kidding?

The celebrations were hosted by Kubs who went above and beyond in every way. Not only were we fed with the most finger-licking homemade Tiramisu cake but the Indian vegetarian cuisine was beyond delicious. Cards against humanity had us in roars of laughter, well OK, only I found the crassness uproarious however it was well worth it. This was followed by a half-hearted game of Ludo. By then we lost Carrot and Googles to Harry Potter and nail polish. Tom and PY gave us a jingle and we were able to catch up with our missing members.

80 is the new 60, thank heavens for all the advancement in Science, no wonder I feel like I barely crossed over into my 20s.
Coffee cups were raised
and quietly I wished for more such days,
with weather this obnoxious irrelevant,
what I pray is for us to be together
For today and Always.

– Jas Out

Blocked and Deleted

2007 my mum asked me to join Facebook. Yes, my mother asked me to join Facebook, so I did. I used to be quite active on it once upon a time. I developed a knack for finding people whose company I enjoyed and despised. As time passed, my so-called “friends list” grew to numbers I can assure you were unimaginable for someone like me. 365 was that number. Not huge by today’s standards, but by my standards, it was colossal. I barely know 10 people in my actual life.. 365 was a bluff. Anyone who said “hello” in passing was either adding me to their list OR vice versa. The pure and simple reason behind all this fervour was – Curiosity.

Facebook then led to Instagram. Again, I was posting my pictures, same Facebook “friends” started adding me to their list and vice versa. It was fun to use filters to play around with the sharpness of the pictures. Twitter was next. This platform suited me as I was able to express myself in less than a certain amount of words and barely anyone knew my handle.
I say this in amusement that every social media platform banned me. I have a knack for saying exactly what I feel and not finding it offensive at all. It’s a given that it upsets people who are reading my thoughts but then again, ask yourself.. who invited you to read my babble?
Recently, ever since Elon took over Twitter, it gave me hope. I felt that I could finally say whatever I felt like saying without any consequences for my verbal actions. Wrong! I got banned again. Then I realized, why am I doing this? Why am I so hell-bent on going on to these social media sites to verbalize my inner dialogue when I have my blog site available for just that reason?

The pea brain doesn’t help. My memory is so limited that I need to tattoo “Mirthspot” on my forearm for me to remember to log in. 11 years with WordPress, the only online platform that has been tolerant of my intolerance. Not to worry, I have now created a shortcut just for the same reason so I can jump on here anytime I feel like exposing my inner thoughts.

Past few months I have actively practised being “sane” in public and I believe I am getting the hang of it. Nod and wear that mask. Keep that face covered to minimise the chance of giving out any facial expressions that might be read by co-workers and clients as derogatory. Shut that trap tight and do not let the eyes do the talking. Keep them very neutral and don’t open them too wide in bewilderment.
Baby steps indeed and trust me when I say this- I am not even half as insane as the sane ones out there.

-Jas Out.

I missed you!

I cannot express how much I missed just ranting on here. A safe place for me to gently vomit out my feelings regarding any and every inconsistency surrounding my aura. On top of that, the year is coming to an end. When did this happen? Now that things are streamlined, and the winter months are filled with paid vacations, there will be more nonsense churned out without an apology!
This year, if I were to sum it up in one word would be – Temperamental
2023 is starting with quite a happy vibe already, no offence 2022, but there were months you made me even question the year I was living in. Where did 2021 go? It came and went so fast that in the middle of 2022 I was sure we were still in 2021.

Thank you for all the adventures, road trips, and exploration around the different parts of the world. Here is to more of such adventures with happy souls and adventuresome colleagues. May our business thrive and our seniority rise, on this upbeat note, I bid ye all a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with all that you and your naughty heart desire.

-Jas Out