Random act of typing

2017 was when this was typed out. I have had Athens on my do-not-fly list since then. Now all I do is Croatia and can never get enough of the country, the hidden gems. It is nice to read that once upon a time I enjoyed going to Greece. Finally, this piece gets the recognition it deserves. In all honesty, I only logged in to start typing once again as I found that without typing out words, my spelling has gone down the drain plus profanity has taken over the blanks I cannot fill with words. High time I get my act together and clean my tongue with soap and my brain with a scrubber. I have a very vague recollection of this day… I am glad that it was recorded and saved in my documents. Imagine losing a memory?

Summer flying is in full swing. Something that really drains you and yet again something that you always look forward to. My time here in Athens was well spent. A 4 days of layover, I was well able to get the feel of the city and I have to say the Greeks are very welcoming towards the tourists. The city is vibrant and even though 4 million registered inhabitants make up for ½ the population of the whole country, there seems to be this energy around the city that doesn’t really overwhelm you. People are polite and you don’t feel harassed by the vendors into buying stuff.  The French could learn a thing or two from the Greeks regarding customer service. 

En route towards Venice, Italy now. I am on the plane sitting and trying to kill time. 2 hours can be long when you are well-rested and not in the mood to read or sleep. Blogging provides an outlet and even though this might not even get published, it is a means of keeping the mind distracted from boredom. There was a time a few years ago when any randomness that crossed my mind got typed out. It must have made for a very interesting read, I should probably dig into my older posts to see what all went through this head. Isn’t it funny? It’s been less than 5 mins since I pulled this computer out to type out words and now suddenly we are 20 mins before landing? What happened to the last 1h40? Where did that go? 

So, how to kill time on a plane when you are not working it?

Think. Sleep, or try to sleep, dig out that book and go through 3 pages and then sleep a little. Then pull out that tablet and start typing and surely you’ll reach the top of descent! 



-16© weather, °C even!

For the past 15 minutes, I have been trying to insert the “degree” symbol in my heading. Chromebook makes everything so complicated. It was easy to insert the © symbol, so why is it so hard to insert the degree symbol. Literally, everything disappears and there is just a black space. It says
Step 1- Press Ctrl + Shift + U. An underlined u will appear. OK got that, it did appear. Then
Step 2- Then press 0B00, followed by Enter or Spacebar, except, when I do that, everything goes blank!
Step 3- the degree symbol should appear, but it doesn’t! Nothing appears, everything just goes blank.

Nonsense! I don’t even know where I was going with my heading now. I need to figure out how to insert the degree symbol. Youtube has the answer to everything. BRB

A little kid made a video ( DA TREES GAMING is his handle) of it and that’s exactly what I was doing. I will try it again!

IT WORKED!!!!!!! ° AHHAHAAHAH °° hehe

OK, now that the problem has been fixed, well the weather today is -16° C and I have no clue where I was going with this but now that the weather has been mentioned, it reminds me of the 20th of Jan 2014, as that very day, it was as cold as it is today. Random, not random, it was the day Tom and I got married. Why would anyone remember the weather forecast of a specific date??? Fast forward 9 years, and it’s as lovely a day as it was in 2014 with the addition of two most vile-smelling mouths ( The dogs, NOT the good-looking side profile) but the most precious little paws there ever walked the earth.

I still can’t remember what I was going to type about but I do like this new post and the faces in it.

My toes might be frigid but my soul is balmy.

– Jas Out-

80, Prime Real e”state”

What a special day it was today. Even though the weather network predicted storm and treacherous conditions outside (-12Deg Cel with 50/60 km of winds) which by the way ended up being quite accurate… nothing could stop us from celebrating daddy turning 80. Surprisingly we all got ready quite fast given that mother slept in till 11 am. Carrot, dad and I spent 3 hours discussing important subject matters like finance, real estate and interest rates. Daddy was thrilled as he compared his ripe age to being mortgage free. We ate everything in the kitchen while our feeder was in deep slumber and yet when mum woke up we were looking at her to shove something down our gobs so we don’t end up bringing our bad manners over to Kubs. Then again who are we kidding?

The celebrations were hosted by Kubs who went above and beyond in every way. Not only were we fed with the most finger-licking homemade Tiramisu cake but the Indian vegetarian cuisine was beyond delicious. Cards against humanity had us in roars of laughter, well OK, only I found the crassness uproarious however it was well worth it. This was followed by a half-hearted game of Ludo. By then we lost Carrot and Googles to Harry Potter and nail polish. Tom and PY gave us a jingle and we were able to catch up with our missing members.

80 is the new 60, thank heavens for all the advancement in Science, no wonder I feel like I barely crossed over into my 20s.
Coffee cups were raised
and quietly I wished for more such days,
with weather this obnoxious irrelevant,
what I pray is for us to be together
For today and Always.

– Jas Out

I missed you!

I cannot express how much I missed just ranting on here. A safe place for me to gently vomit out my feelings regarding any and every inconsistency surrounding my aura. On top of that, the year is coming to an end. When did this happen? Now that things are streamlined, and the winter months are filled with paid vacations, there will be more nonsense churned out without an apology!
This year, if I were to sum it up in one word would be – Temperamental
2023 is starting with quite a happy vibe already, no offence 2022, but there were months you made me even question the year I was living in. Where did 2021 go? It came and went so fast that in the middle of 2022 I was sure we were still in 2021.

Thank you for all the adventures, road trips, and exploration around the different parts of the world. Here is to more of such adventures with happy souls and adventuresome colleagues. May our business thrive and our seniority rise, on this upbeat note, I bid ye all a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with all that you and your naughty heart desire.

-Jas Out

Remember me because I will never forget You

The lighting was just right yesterday to catch these two GORGEOUS pups in their glory ♡♡♡. 2020 ended up being the best year, 2021 tried to throw us off but we took it for a spin! Who is having fun now?

This is just the beginning, the best is yet to come…


Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.

Explored and took in the beauty of the woods at the Metcalf rock hiking trail. Side trail led to steep drops we didn’t need to explore, but would it have been an adventure then?  👣🐾🐾👣