Elon caved in

During the pandemic, while the world was busy making the most of the lockdown situation by either being productive or dabbling in a new career venture, I, on the other hand, decided to educate myself on – Strong Woman definition. This led to the creation of an alter ego. Needless to say, it wasn’t well received by the masses and soon, before I knew it, I was banned from every online platform I could verbally exploit.

Fast forward 2 years, and here I am again. Couldn’t help myself. Twitter was taken over by Elon and I felt I stood a chance to REALLY be myself. After offending the Twitter -“ I am morally more sound than you” team, I was finally allowed to re-use my account but not without a formal written warning. This couldn’t have come at a better time. Detox kits are not going to help me flush out the toxins from my mind. Neither is the liquid B12 going to give any added boost to the ever-shrinking brain. Twitter was made for me, we belong together.

I am taking notes from GadSaad. I believe Elon and Gad are good friends. Somehow that man can get away by making fun of “fierce Sally” dressed up like a little tramp with purple hair and a $1 sharpie tattoo and I cannot call a spade a spade. So I decided to call “a spade a Sdape”. Get it? Am playing smart now. Taking notes from the likes of Cardi B. If I can get by 2 days without getting kicked off this platform, I tell ya, I am on a winning streak. The funny thing is for the next 2 days I am extremely busy work-wise, so if this doesn’t keep me from getting booted, I don’t know what will. The problem is that internet access is not that hard to get nowadays.

Who will win?

I dare you to boot me this time.

Challenge accepted however I make no promises + it doesn’t help that I take joy in losing.
-Jas Out

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