Random act of typing

2017 was when this was typed out. I have had Athens on my do-not-fly list since then. Now all I do is Croatia and can never get enough of the country, the hidden gems. It is nice to read that once upon a time I enjoyed going to Greece. Finally, this piece gets the recognition it deserves. In all honesty, I only logged in to start typing once again as I found that without typing out words, my spelling has gone down the drain plus profanity has taken over the blanks I cannot fill with words. High time I get my act together and clean my tongue with soap and my brain with a scrubber. I have a very vague recollection of this day… I am glad that it was recorded and saved in my documents. Imagine losing a memory?

Summer flying is in full swing. Something that really drains you and yet again something that you always look forward to. My time here in Athens was well spent. A 4 days of layover, I was well able to get the feel of the city and I have to say the Greeks are very welcoming towards the tourists. The city is vibrant and even though 4 million registered inhabitants make up for ½ the population of the whole country, there seems to be this energy around the city that doesn’t really overwhelm you. People are polite and you don’t feel harassed by the vendors into buying stuff.  The French could learn a thing or two from the Greeks regarding customer service. 

En route towards Venice, Italy now. I am on the plane sitting and trying to kill time. 2 hours can be long when you are well-rested and not in the mood to read or sleep. Blogging provides an outlet and even though this might not even get published, it is a means of keeping the mind distracted from boredom. There was a time a few years ago when any randomness that crossed my mind got typed out. It must have made for a very interesting read, I should probably dig into my older posts to see what all went through this head. Isn’t it funny? It’s been less than 5 mins since I pulled this computer out to type out words and now suddenly we are 20 mins before landing? What happened to the last 1h40? Where did that go? 

So, how to kill time on a plane when you are not working it?

Think. Sleep, or try to sleep, dig out that book and go through 3 pages and then sleep a little. Then pull out that tablet and start typing and surely you’ll reach the top of descent! 



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